
Why Businesses Should Invest in Learning Management Software?

Why Businesses Should Invest in Learning Management Software?


Why Businesses Should Invest in Learning Management Software?

The year 2020 has turned out to be the year of online education. As the global emergency tightens its grip around the globe, education on all levels has had to move online. 39 US states are considering not opening their schools this year at all.

At the same time, as businesses are forced to adopt a work-from-home policy, even employee training has had to move into the online space. 

As with every other aspect of business currently operating online, having the right tools is extremely important to ensure optimum and effective delivery of online training to employees. Along with business management software, there are other tools required too so that you can train your employees to give their best performance.

One of the most pressing challenges with delivering online training is the method of delivery itself. Thankfully, the e-learning industry has known this fact for years, and as of 2020, has hundreds of platforms present in the market that enable efficient delivery of online training material.

Such platforms, known commonly as learning management software (LMS), enable not only the delivery of training material, but also enable learning administrators to track the progress of the learners.

However, that’s not all that they do. Let’s learn a bit more about LMS and how they can make life easier for your training administrators.

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What is A LMS?

A LMS, as the name suggests known as Learning Management Software, is a platform meant to help training administrators distribute, publish, and manage training content. These can be categorized in four broad categories, based on their model of deployment.

There are open source LMS that are free to use, but are only viable when they are supported by a strong community of developers and administrators. The second category is that of deployed/installed LMS. These live on the hard drive of a computer and can function offline. However, installed LMS require manual installation and updation, and cannot be used to deliver training across geographical distances.

Cloud-based LMS overcome this problem. These store all the training data, along with user data on the cloud, and can be accessed by learners and administrators from any device that can access the internet. Thanks to these advantages (and many more), cloud-based LMS are the most popular type of LMS.

Finally, there are custom-built learning management software that are built to suit the unique needs of an organisation. While extremely advantageous, such LMS are expensive to develop and require a dedicated support team.

Benefits Of Using A LMS Learning Management Software) –

While depending on your choice, your learning management software can come loaded with a variety of advantageous features, there are certain common benefits that are associated with them. Some of them are:

  • Consolidation: One of the most obvious benefits of having a learning management software is the consolidation of all your training material in one place. This way, all your training administrators and learners have access to all the training material that is relevant to them from anywhere, at any time. Moreover, since all this data is saved on the cloud, your training material is not dependent on the proper functioning of a computer hard drive, and is safer.


  • Plug-And-Play Solution: Most learning management systems support all kinds of training material formats, including podcasts, videos, screen casts, text, and images. Moreover, these don’t require any complex installation. Once you purchase a membership, all you need is an internet connection to get started. This doesn’t just translate to ease of access, but also helps businesses cut down on the cost of training by eliminating a number of training infrastructure investments. This also means that these cloud based solutions are easily scalable, which is a pressing advantage for growing organisations.


  • Tracking: Modern LMS offer incredible tracking abilities that allow learning administrators to pinpoint and rectify problem areas within the course curriculum. At the same time, learning administrators can track the individual progress of each learner to better understand how to deliver training more efficiently.

Conclusion –

For organisations that take training and upskilling seriously, using learning management softwares is no more an option, but a necessity. With that said, make sure you try out as many different options as you can before coming to a decision, to ensure you have the best possible training solution for your organisations’ unique needs.

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