Data Recovery

Can Digitized Medical Records Provide An Edge To Healthcare Industry?

Can Digitized Medical Records Provide An Edge To Healthcare Industry?


A lot has happened over the years to improvise the medical sector and make it bigger and better to serve a large number of patients with ease. One such improvement has been to shift from keeping patient records on thick paper charts to an electronic platform that can store the information for patients for an unlimited period of time. One reason for the popularity of the electronic storage of data is the efficiency and the ease with which patients and doctors can store and use the medical records.

What Makes Up Medical Records Management?

The process of medical records management involves the storage of a variety of data such as lab results of patients, x-rays, images and scans and also other important documents. The management of these records involves not only storing them in an appropriate manner, but also making them accessible, safe and secure. For medical practices that have been providing their services for quite some time, the process of successful transfer to digital medical records storage can be a tedious task. Simply scanning the paper documents will not allow integration with the digital system.

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To facilitate the transfer of the medical records, a medical practice needs to take the help of a medical records management organization. Such an organization can help to make the process easier for your medical staff members. There are numerous organizations that offer medical records storage in Canada. These organizations specialize in helping medical care centers upgrade to an electronic system of patient data. As this system of storage is integrated, when patients move from one clinic to another, their medical records can be viewed by the next doctor as well.

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What Is The Need For Medical Records Management?


Many doctors believe that maintaining paper charts is easier and safe. This prompts them to avoid shifting to an electronic database for storing their patient information. However, there are numerous risks associated with the storage of the paper charts.

  • The medical records contain confidential information and hence need to be preserved well. Paper records are, on the other hand, can be easily destroyed in the event of a fire, flood or due to paper mold.
  • There might be cases when patients require their medical records for some new medical issue that they might be facing. For doctors who have retired or closed their practice, it can be a tedious task to go through all of the medical data and search for a single file.
  • Paper records are physical property and they are often vulnerable to thefts or burglaries, in the event of which, one could lose important information about former and current patients.
  • In cases where one needs to look for a missing or a misfiled patient report, the job can be quite tiresome.

Medical records have seen gradual transformation from being paper based to the digitized records of patient data. These are supposed to be a better option of storing the medical information, given that people have a safer and secure option of keep track of the diagnoses, medicines prescribed, and lab test results. Since all of the information related to a patient’s health is found in one place, it makes it easier to administer appropriate care to the patients and track their progress.

This is the preferred method of data storage in a majority of the medical centers and hospitals, allowing them to provide the best quality care to their patients and also, a safe storage of their healthcare data.

Innovations in the field of data storage have contributed to greater accountability in the system and allows for storage of the patient information in a secure manner. In cases of litigation’s, hospitals and medical care centers with a digitized system of medical record storage find it easier to support their statements and provide the appropriate evidence that is demanded. It removes the need for sorting through vast piles of data and allows the physicians and hospitals staff to be more efficient in the way they carry out their business.

The reasons mentioned establish that the earlier method of storing important patient data on paper is a thing of the past. Now, the preferred way of appropriately storing patient data is by using an electronic system of patient records where all of the important information is stored and classified according to certain categories.

For medical record storage solution Canada has numerous firms that can help your medical practice with the process of going digital and making healthcare more efficient and safe. Employing the service of such an organization will not only allow you to revolutionize the system of keeping medical records, but also make the process of providing primary care more efficient in the longer term. Therefore, this is an investment that is worth every dollar spent.

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