Web Design

8 Basic Principles of Good User Interface Design

8 Basic Principles of Good User Interface Design


8 Basic Principles of Good User Interface Design –

Your website or mobile application makes the first impression for your business, and it is important that the impression is good. Сomputer science assignment help may come in handy here, but there it’s necessary to understand the basic principles to know what exactly you need. 

UI design agencies like Clay in San Francisco try to follow at least eight basic principles. By knowing these rules, you will make your interface more presentable and will attract more users to explore the benefits of your digital product.

Pay attention to these 8 Basic Principles of Good User Interface Design to design an outstanding UX/UI project –

UI design principles you need to follow –

1. No unnecessary information –

If there is too much unnecessary information on the webpage, including advertising, text, or images, the page looks overwhelming. The human brain perceives it negatively because it takes a lot of effort to find what you need among all those elements. If this occurs, the user will most likely just close this page and go to explore what your competitors have to offer.

According to some reports, halving text content can lead to a 58% increase in usability. So remove unnecessary content. On average, only 28% of the text will be read by users. Most people will not even read what is written on your landing page.

Also Read – 10 Reasons Good User Experience Is Essential in Web Design

2. Follow the principles of eye-tracking –

The website or application is not made for a designer or business owner. It is made for the user. So instead of relying on your own personal taste, strive for a data-driven approach.

The best way to give users what they really need is to follow the principles of eye-tracking. 

This is what eye-movement tracking research tells us:

  • Users spend 80% of the time studying information on the first screen.
  • Visitors will look on the left side of the page for 69% of the time (for Western countries who read from left to right). As you can see, the top left of the site is the best place for the most important information.

You can conduct your own research as part of usability testing or ready the results of the already conducted studies. Knowing the basics of neuro-physiology and cognitive studies will definitely help you design better UI.

3. Focus on how users read the page –

In order to figure out how to increase the usability of your interface, you first need to study the habits and behavior patterns of your users. The vast majority of people use the F-pattern when reading pages on the Internet. That is, first a person carefully examines two horizontal lines on the first screen, and after that, they scan the rest of the content along one vertical line to the end of the page. This logic can be used to place the most important elements in the focus of the visitor.

4. Fast page loading –

Your site’s traffic will suffer if it takes 250 milliseconds longer to load than its closest competitor. 4 out of 5 users will leave the resource if they have to wait a long time for the content to download.

Internet users are willing to wait for a page to load in two seconds or less – most of them will leave after that. Therefore, a slow website page loading speed equals low conversion.

5. Search box size –

The average length of the search box on most sites is 18 characters, but this size does not accommodate about 27% of queries. Enlarge the search box to 27 characters and it will accommodate 90% of searches. This will be much more convenient for your users.

6. Page Layout –

Optimum page size is about 1,000–1,600 pixels long and about 770 pixels wide. It is very important to use the same layout for all pages of the website. Consistency is one of the most crucial elements of UI design.

In addition, the navigation bar on all pages of your resource should be the same size and located in the same place. 

7. Typography –

Use as few different fonts as possible. In addition, choosing fonts from the same font family will make the page look more harmonious. 

Don’t forget that 8% of men suffer from color blindness, so for important messages, you should not use only color signals. Use fonts to highlight important parts of the message. 

8. Links – 

Links should be blue, because it is a universal color for linking on the Internet, and the standard is that the link should change color only after you click on it. The user must also intuitively understand that there is a link in front of them. Seventy-four percent of sites use different colors to design visited and unvisited links.

Conclusion –

Now you know the eight principles of interface design that will help make your website or application more appealing to users. They are more likely to recommend your product to friends and family if your product corresponds with these principles. It contains great potential for viral campaigns and word-of-mouth marketing.

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